Results for 'Wit K. Janowski'

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  1.  36
    Discoveries as the origin of modern economic values.Wit K. Janowski - 1993 - Journal of Value Inquiry 27 (1):43-48.
  2.  21
    Elastic properties of isotropic graphite.J. R. Cost, K. R. Janowski & R. C. Rossi - 1968 - Philosophical Magazine 17 (148):851-854.
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    Buchbesprechungen – Buchhinweise. Selge, K. Hungar, J. Woltmann, V. Müller, H. Janowski, J. Schwerdtfeger, E. -A. Scharffenorth & G. -R. Fendler - 1966 - Zeitschrift Für Evangelische Ethik 10 (1):183-190.
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  4. Education and timing of parenthood among Canadian women: a cohort analysis.M. De Wit, F. Rajulton, A. M. Basu, J. L. Boldsen, I. Schaumburg, V. K. Pillai, G. D. Pandey, P. P. Talwar, K. Otani & C. Rozenblad - 1990 - Journal of Biosocial Science 22 (2):255-62.
  5. Sustainable Communication Practices in Management Control-Are Body and Mind in Conflict or Convertion?Hanne Nørreklit & Camilla Kølsen de Wit - 2001 - Hermes 27:9-29.
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    Unique effects of sedatives, dissociatives, psychedelics, stimulants, and cannabinoids on episodic memory: A review and reanalysis of acute drug effects on recollection, familiarity, and metamemory.Manoj K. Doss, Jason Samaha, Frederick S. Barrett, Roland R. Griffiths, Harriet de Wit, David A. Gallo & Joshua D. Koen - 2024 - Psychological Review 131 (2):523-562.
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    Spiritual Development: Han F. De Wit's and Stanislav Grof's Differing Approaches.K. Helmut Reich - 2001 - Zygon 36 (3):509-520.
    For both Han F. de Wit and Stanislav Grof, spirituality constitutes an essential part of humaneness; a life built on materialism is deemed an impoverished life. For de Wit, spirituality yields courage, compassion, joy, clarity of mind, and consequently wisdom. For Grof, personal spiritual experiences gained during altered states of consciousness are of central interest. After defining spirituality, these views, built on long‐term personal experiences of the authors and those of others, are explicated in detail. Both authors describe their respective (...)
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    Confessions of an Expert Ethics Witness.K. Kipnis - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (4):325-343.
    The aim of this essay is to describe and reflect upon the concrete particulars of one academician's work as an expert ethics witness. The commentary on my practices and the narrative descriptions of three cases are offered as evidence for the thesis that it is possible to act honorably within a role that some have considered to be inherently illicit. Practical measures are described for avoiding some of the best known pitfalls. The discussion concludes with a listing of the distinctive (...)
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    Bearing Witness to Christ and to Each Other in the Power of the Holy Spirit: Orthodox Perspectives.K. M. George - 2013 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 30 (4):267-272.
    In the wider ecumenical movement, bearing witness to each other in true friendship is a creative gesture inspired by the Holy Spirit. It cuts across religious and denominational divides. The friendship between Gandhi and CF Andrews is invoked as an example of East and West bearing witness to each other. In ancient Asian religious context, mutual witnessing is extended to all sentient beings. From the Orthodox tradition three themes are highlighted as contributing to the Spirit-movement for mutual witness and healing (...)
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    Witnesses to the truth: Mark’s point of view.Deven K. MacDonald & Ernest Van Eck - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (1).
    This article presents a narratological reading of the Gospel of Mark with special attention given to the role, function and rhetorical impact of point of view. It is argued that through the use of ‘witnesses’ ranging from the omniscient narrator, to the character God, to the Old Testament Scriptures, the author of Mark presents a point of view that his implied reader would find difficult to counter. In addition to this, the article demonstrates that the motifs of allegiance, misunderstanding and (...)
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    Bearing Witness to Suffering – A Reflection on the Personal Impact of Conducting Research with Children and Grandchildren of Victims of Apartheid-era Gross Human Rights Violations in South Africa.Cyril K. Adonis - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (1):64-78.
    Social scientists who conduct qualitative research frequently use emotional engagement to gather information about participants’ thoughts, feelings, and behaviours in relation to a particularly research question. When the subject under investigation is related to trauma, listening to, or being exposed to personal accounts of participants’ traumatic experiences can carry a significant emotional cost for researchers. This may place them at risk of secondary trauma. In this article, I examine these issues from the context of my doctoral field research in South (...)
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    Transfusion contracts for Jehovah's Witnesses receiving organ transplants: ethical necessity or coercive pact?K. A. Bramstedt - 2006 - Journal of Medical Ethics 32 (4):193-195.
    Jehovah’s Witnesses should be required to sign transfusion contracts in order to be eligible for transplant.Human donor organs continue to be in short supply, and many potential transplant recipients die while waiting for an allograft to become available.1 Because the organ supply is so limited and the offering of organs is based on the generosity of patients and families, proper stewardship of these organs is an ethical obligation for transplant teams, as well as organ recipients. Preventable graft loss must be (...)
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  13. Strong Wits and Spider Webs: A Study in Hobbes' Philosophy of Language. By Deborah Hansen Soles.K. Cameron - 2000 - The European Legacy 5 (3):444-445.
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    Taylor's Witness of Hermas to the Four Gospels. [REVIEW]T. K. Abbott - 1892 - The Classical Review 6 (10):453-454.
  15. Can I Get a Witness? Reading Revelation through African American Culture.Brian K. Blount - 2005
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    Healthy Skepticism: The Emperor has Very Few Clothes.K. Wm Wildes - 1997 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 22 (4):365-371.
    The role of an expert witness in ethics, as part of a legal proceeding, is examined in this essay. The essay argues that the use of such expertise rests on confusions about normative and non-normative ethics compounded by misunderstandings about the challenges of moral argument in secular, morally pluralistic societies.
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    The Jehovah’s Witness and Blood: New Perspectives on an Old Dilemma.J. K. Vinicky, M. L. Smith, R. B. Connors Jr & W. E. Kozachuk - 1990 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 1 (1):65-71.
  18.  39
    Cultural Values and Mental Health: A Manifesto for International Values-based Practice.K. W. M. Fulford - 2018 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (2):136-147.
    This article sets out a manifesto for the development of an international values-based practice fully engaged with the diversity of cultural values and implemented through the resources of the international movement in philosophy and psychiatry. Anticipated by mid-twentieth century ordinary language philosophy of the “Oxford School,” the last three decades have witnessed a remarkable flowering of cross-disciplinary work between philosophy and psychiatry. The article indicates the scope and scale of this work and then describes the emergence of contemporary values-based practice (...)
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  19.  28
    The Preacher's Portrait. [REVIEW]K. J. - 1966 - Review of Metaphysics 20 (1):161-161.
    The author tries to present "a clearer view of God's revealed ideal for the preacher, what he is and how he is to do his work." For that purpose he considers "his message and his authority, the character of the proclamation he is called to make, the vital necessity of his own experience of the Gospel, the nature of his motive, the source of his power, and the moral qualities which should characterize him, notably humility, gentleness and love." This preacher's (...)
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  20. In defence of the British constitution: theoretical implications of the debate over Athenian democracy in Britain, 1770-1850.K. Demetriou - 1996 - History of Political Thought 17 (2):280-297.
    Writing a history of ancient Greece, in periods of political turbulence and transition, involved the construction of an edifying platform for civil conduct. Britain, 1770-1850, was one such period. In examining Athenian democracy the British historians of the late eighteenth century, like William Mitford and John Gillies, found a convenient channel to articulate their private political preferences and antipathies, thereby accentuating the ideological antagonism of the post-revolutionary age. Athenian liberalism was deliberately drawn from oblivion only to be set as a (...)
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  21.  22
    Scientization Bolshevik Style.K. Kh Delokarov - 2000 - Russian Studies in Philosophy 39 (2):92-98.
    The topic of our discussion is extremely complex by virtue of the diversity of problems it covers, their contradictions, and their many layers. An objective analysis is complicated by the fact that we are "by origin from there," that we were all drawn into the process, and that it is difficult, if not impossible, for us to distance ourselves from this fact. Being involved in what happened is, on the one hand, a positive factor: it gives access to occurring events (...)
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  22.  69
    Free construction of time from events.S. K. Thomason - 1989 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 18 (1):43 - 67.
    Some may be of the opinion that one event can begin before another only by virtue of the existence of some event (a “witness”) which wholly precedes the other and does not wholly precede the one (and similarly for “ends before” and “does not abut”). Those would prefer $\mathbb{F}$ 0 to $\mathbb{F}$ as a model for observers' apprehensions of events. Since G is a functor from $\mathbb{M}$ to $\mathbb{F}$ 0, the current construction (restricted to $\mathbb{F}$ 0) remains applicable.This work supports (...)
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    Genetic witness: forensic uses of DNA tests.R. Y. Nishimi, K. W. O'Connor, H. L. Gwin & M. A. Anderson - 1990 - Journal International de Bioethique= International Journal of Bioethics 2 (1):29-32.
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    There is more to laugh.P. K. Sen - 1963 - Calcutta,: Alpha-Beta Publications.
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  25. Attitudes Toward, and Intentions to Report, Academic Cheating Among Students in Singapore.Sean K. B. See & Vivien K. G. Lim - 2001 - Ethics and Behavior 11 (3):261-274.
    In this study, we examined students' attitudes toward cheating and whether they would report instances of cheating they witnessed. Data were collected from three educational institutions in Singapore. A total of 518 students participated in the study. Findings suggest that students perceived cheating behaviors involving exam-related situations to be serious, whereas plagiarism was rated as less serious. Cheating in the form of not contributing one's fair share in a group project was also perceived as a serious form of academic misconduct, (...)
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    Patricia Kelly, Ressourcement Theology : A Review Essay.Matthew K. Minerd - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (1):353-372.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Patricia Kelly, Ressourcement Theology:A Review EssayMatthew K. MinerdIntroductionAlthough now over seventy years in the past, the theological and ecclesiastical events of the 1940s, most often styled under some banner akin to "the crisis over the nouvelle théologie," leading up to the promulgation of the encyclical Humani Generis, retain a currency and interest to this very day. No doubt, the later influence of many of the so-called nouveaux théologiens leading (...)
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    My First Loss: Carrying His Legacy.Karan K. Mirpuri - 2024 - Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics 14 (2):17-20.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:My First Loss:Carrying His LegacyKaran K. MirpuriI love listening to my mentors recount memorable cases they faced in their careers. While they do not always remember the details, the most vivid stories were always those of the first patient they lost. They shared that this was a difficult but important experience in every physician's career. While I prepared myself for the reality that I would eventually lose a patient, (...)
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  28. Should parents be asked to consent for life-saving paediatric interventions?Nathan K. Gamble & Michal Pruski - forthcoming - Journal of the Intensive Care Society.
    Informed consent, when given by proxy, has limitations: chiefly, it must be made in the interest of the patient. Here we critique the standard approach to parental consent, as present in Canada and the UK. Parents are often asked for consent, but are not given the authority to refuse medically beneficial treatment in many situations. This prompts the question of whether it is possible for someone to consent if they cannot refuse. We present two alternative and philosophically more consistent frameworks (...)
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    Innocence of Experience: Rousseau on Puberty in the State of Civilization.Mary K. McAlpin - 2010 - Journal of the History of Ideas 71 (2):241-261.
    This article contributes to current discussions of the origins of modern sexuality by exploring an episode from Book II of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s Confessions (1782), in the context of eighteenth-century childhood hygiene theory. In this episode, the sixteen-year-old Rousseau is the object of an aggressive sexual advance on the part of another young man, and witnesses this young man’s orgasm. By stressing his unusual immunity to understanding the sexual nature of this encounter, Rousseau places himself outside the cultural argument that moral (...)
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    Kierkegaard's Journals and Notebooks, Volume 6: Journals Nb11 - Nb14.Bruce H. Kirmmse, K. Brian Söderquist, Niels Jørgen Cappelørn, Alastair Hannay, David Kangas, George Pattison, Joel D. S. Rasmussen & Vanessa Rumble (eds.) - 2013 - Princeton University Press.
    For over a century, the Danish thinker Søren Kierkegaard has been at the center of a number of important discussions, concerning not only philosophy and theology, but also, more recently, fields such as social thought, psychology, and contemporary aesthetics, especially literary theory. Despite his relatively short life, Kierkegaard was an extraordinarily prolific writer, as attested to by the 26-volume Princeton University Press edition of all of his published writings. But Kierkegaard left behind nearly as much unpublished writing, most of which (...)
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    Effectiveness of narrative pedagogy in developing student nurses’ advocacy role.Priscilla K. Gazarian, Lauren M. Fernberg & Kelly D. Sheehan - 2016 - Nursing Ethics 23 (2):132-141.
    Background: The literature and research on nursing ethics and advocacy has shown that generally very few nurses and other clinicians will speak up about an issue they have witnessed regarding a patient advocacy concern and that often advocacy in nursing is not learned until after students have graduated and begun working. Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of narrative pedagogy on the development of advocacy in student nurses, as measured by the Protective Nursing Advocacy Scale. Design: We tested the hypothesis that (...)
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  32. ⊃E is Admissible in “true” relevant arithmetic.Robert K. Meyer - 1998 - Journal of Philosophical Logic 27 (4):327-351.
    The system R## of "true" relevant arithmetic is got by adding the ω-rule "Infer VxAx from AO, A1, A2, ...." to the system R# of "relevant Peano arithmetic". The rule ⊃E (or "gamma") is admissible for R##. This contrasts with the counterexample to ⊃E for R# (Friedman & Meyer, "Whither Relevant Arithmetic"). There is a Way Up part of the proof, which selects an arbitrary non-theorem C of R## and which builds by generalizing Henkin and Belnap arguments a prime theory (...)
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  33. Econophysics: making sense of a chimera.Adrian K. Yee - 2021 - European Journal for Philosophy of Science 11 (4):1-34.
    The history of economic thought witnessed several prominent economists who took seriously models and concepts in physics for the elucidation and prediction of economic phenomena. Econophysics is an emerging discipline at the intersection of heterodox economics and the physics of complex systems, with practitioners typically engaged in two overlapping but distinct methodological programs. The first is to export mathematical methods used in physics for the purposes of studying economic phenomena. The second is to export mechanisms in physics into economics. A (...)
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    Transitivity, Lowness, and Ranks in Nsop Theories.Artem Chernikov, K. I. M. Byunghan & Nicholas Ramsey - 2023 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 88 (3):919-946.
    We develop the theory of Kim-independence in the context of NSOP $_{1}$ theories satisfying the existence axiom. We show that, in such theories, Kim-independence is transitive and that -Morley sequences witness Kim-dividing. As applications, we show that, under the assumption of existence, in a low NSOP $_{1}$ theory, Shelah strong types and Lascar strong types coincide and, additionally, we introduce a notion of rank for NSOP $_{1}$ theories.
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    Our Neighbours, Ourselves: Contemporary Reflections on Survival.Homi K. Bhabha - 2011 - De Gruyter.
    With the Hegel Lecture 2010, held by Homi K. Bhabha, the Dahlem Humanities Center is launching the Open Access publication of the series. In his talk, Bhabha evokes the spirit of Hegel in an attempt to understand contemporary issues of ethical witness, historical memory and the rights and representations of minorities in the cultural sphere. Who is our neighbour today? What does hospitality mean for our times? Why is the recognition of others such an agonizing encounter with the alterity of (...)
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    The God of War is Wearing What?Sarah K. Donovan - 2017 - In Jacob M. Held (ed.), Wonder Woman and Philosophy. Wiley. pp. 19–30.
    With attractive and scantily clad female characters, Zeus as a philandering womanizer, the First Born as a hyper‐masculine war monger, and Hera as a jealous wife blaming other women for her husband's infidelities, Wonder Woman (the New 52 series) confirms some age old stereotypes about men and women. But, Wonder Woman (the New 52) also challenges some traditional gender stereotypes. The end of the twentieth and beginning of the twenty‐first century have witnessed great strides in gender equality for, among others, (...)
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    Faith, power, and philosophy: divine-human interaction reclaimed.Paul K. Moser - 2022 - International Journal of Philosophy and Theology 83 (4):281-295.
    Many philosophers and theologians try to add credibility to Christian faith by means of philosophical arguments and explanations. There are two main ways to pursue this aim, and one way is arguably more defensible than the other, at least from the perspective of the apostle Paul. Philosophers and theologians who hold that Paul has a contribution to make in this area should consider the relative efficacy of these two ways. The key area of contrast lies in the epistemic basis of (...)
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  38.  27
    Christian Prayer Seen from the Eye of a Buddhist.Kenneth K. Tanaka - 2002 - Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (1):87-92.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Buddhist-Christian Studies 22 (2002) 87-92 [Access article in PDF] Christian Prayer Seen from the Eye of a Buddhist Kenneth K. Tanaka Musashino Women's University, Tokyo When I think about Christian prayer, the image I get is that of a young girl of about eight years old with long brown hair. Wearing a nightgown, she is kneeling next to her bed with her hands clasped and her head bowed. I (...)
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    Documenting Women’s Postoperative Bodies: Knowing Stephanie and “Remembering Stephanie” as Collaborative Cancer Narratives.Mary K. DeShazer - 2014 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 11 (4):445-454.
    Photographic representations of women living with or beyond breast cancer have gained prominence in recent decades. Postmillennial visual narratives are both documentary projects and dialogic sites of self-construction and reader-viewer witness. After a brief overview of 30 years of breast cancer photography, this essay analyzes a collaborative photo-documentary by Stephanie Byram and Charlee Brodsky, Knowing Stephanie , and a memorial photographic essay by Brodsky written ten years after Byram’s death, “Remembering Stephanie” . The ethics of representing women’s postsurgical bodies and (...)
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  40.  42
    The Moral Foundations of Civil Rights.Robert K. Fullinwider & Claudia Mills - 1986 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    More than two decades after the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the issues of racial discrimination and affirmative action are still matters of controversy. The fragile national consensus on civil rights policy has been increasingly fragmented by resistance and confusion in recent years, especially under the impact of the Reagan administration's efforts to change its direction dramatically. Similarly, since the mid-1960s, the women's rights movement has worked to end discrimination and bring about greater equality for women in (...)
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    Epistemology, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science: Essays in Honour of Carl G. Hempel on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, January 8th, 1985.Wilhelm K. Essler, H. Putnam & W. Stegmüller - 1985 - Springer Verlag.
    Professor C. G. Hempel (known to a host of admirers and friends as 'Peter' Hempel) is one of the most esteemed and best loved philosophers in the If an Empiricist Saint were not somewhat of a Meinongian Impos world. sible Object, one might describe Peter Hempel as an Empiricist Saint. In deed, he is as admired for his brilliance, intellectual flexibility, and crea tivity as he is for his warmth, kindness, and integrity, and does not the presence of so many (...)
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    Uncertainty Relation and Inseparability Criterion.Ashutosh K. Goswami & Prasanta K. Panigrahi - 2017 - Foundations of Physics 47 (2):229-235.
    We investigate the Peres–Horodecki positive partial transpose criterion in the context of conserved quantities and derive a condition of inseparability for a composite bipartite system depending only on the dimensions of its subsystems, which leads to a bi-linear entanglement witness for the two qubit system. A separability inequality using generalized Schrodinger–Robertson uncertainty relation taking suitable operators, has been derived, which proves to be stronger than the bi-linear entanglement witness operator. In the case of mixed density matrices, it identically distinguishes the (...)
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    Feminist trauma theology of miscarriage as an embodied experience.Yohanes K. Susanta - 2022 - HTS Theological Studies 78 (1):6.
    Miscarriage is the death of a foetus before it is born. Miscarriage is an event that can repeatedly occur in women’s lives. Miscarriage can lead to trauma. This study aims to develop the concept of feminist trauma theology in the event of miscarriage and how the church should respond to this problem. The church is being challenged to give a serious response as evidence and a manifestation of its concern for the various struggles of Christian family life. The church can (...)
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  44. Amusement, Delight, and Whimsy: Humor Has Its Reasons that Reason Cannot Ignore.E. K. Ackermann - 2015 - Constructivist Foundations 10 (3):405-411.
    Context: The idea for this article sprang from a desire to revive a conversation with the late Ernst von Glasersfeld on the heuristic function - and epistemological status - of forms of ideations that resist linguistic or empirical scrutiny. A close look into the uses of humor seemed a thread worth pursuing, albeit tenuous, to further explore some of the controversies surrounding the evocative power of the imaginal and other oblique forms of knowing characteristic of creative individuals. Problem: People generally (...)
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    Psychoanalytic Reflections on a Gender-Free Case: Into the Void.Ellen L. K. Toronto, Gemma Ainslie, Molly Donovan, Maurine Kelly, Christine C. Kieffer & Nancy McWilliams (eds.) - 2013 - Routledge.
    The past two decades of psychoanalytic discourse have witnessed a marked transformation in the way we think about women and gender. The assignment of gender carries with it a host of assumptions, yet without it we can feel lost in a void, unmoored from the world of rationality, stability and meaning. The feminist analytic thinkers whose work is collected here confront the meaning established by the assignment of gender and the uncertainty created by its absence. The contributions brought together in (...)
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    Friendship in the Classical World (review).David K. Glidden - 1999 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 37 (2):359-361.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Friendship in the Classical World by David KonstanDavid K. GliddenDavid Konstan. Friendship in the Classical World. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1997. Pp. xiv + 206. Paper, $18.95.Despite its brevity, Konstan’s history of friendship in classical antiquity speaks volumes. With admirable precision and economy of expression, Konstan cites and surveys scores of ancient authors—poets, playwrights, politicians, novelists and historians, sophists, satirists, philosophers, and theologians—from Homer’s legendary portrait of Achilles (...)
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    Caravaggio’s The Crucifixion of St. Peter - Spectatorship, Martyrdom and the Iconic Image in Early Modern Italy.Simen K. Nielsen - 2024 - Journal of Early Modern Studies 12 (2):11-64.
    This paper explores conflations of martyrdom, spectatorship, and image theory in Caravaggio’s Crucifixion of St. Peter (1601). It argues that Caravaggio employs an “iconic” visual formula as a response to the pressures of a post-Tridentine poetics. Through these strategies, an iconography of immediacy and presence is paired with a sacrificial subject-matter. This merging united witness and visual experience in the shape of the sacred image. Martyrdom, as both a historical and representational phenomenon of early modern sociality and culture, invoked the (...)
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    Romantic Allusiveness.James K. Chandler - 1982 - Critical Inquiry 8 (3):461-487.
    Our tendency is not to read Romantic poetry as alluding to the texts it reminds us of. We think of the Augustans as the author of what Reuben Brower calls "the poetry of allusion."5 We envision Romantic poets carrying on their work in reaction to these Augustans and in mysterious awe, whether fearful or admiring, of most other poets—sometimes even of each other. No self-respecting Romantic, it is usually assumed, will deliberately send his reader elsewhere for a meaning to complement (...)
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    ‘Waiting for my red envelope’: discourses of sameness in the linguistic landscape of a marriage equality demonstration in Taiwan.Eric K. Ku - 2019 - Critical Discourse Studies 17 (2):156-174.
    ABSTRACTAt the end of 2016, Taiwan witnessed a string of massive protest demonstrations held by both ends of the ideological debate on marriage equality. These public demonstrations can be seen as...
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    Character is a sacred bond: Reflections on sovereignty, grace, and resistance.Richard K. Sherwin - 2019 - Angelaki 24 (4):70-86.
    Law clings to rules to stabilize a preferred normative reality. But rules never suffice. Character is the dark matter of law. Ethos anthropos daimon. “Character is fate.” This paradoxically reversible saying by the ancient Greek philosopher Heraclitus asserts that we are defined by the daimon – the god or messenger angel – with which we identify most. As Plato queried in the Phaedrus: which god do you follow, whose love claims you? In contemporary terms we might say, what character type, (...)
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